The story of one skin developer...

One guy (I don't remember his name) began to use Maxthon Browser? Some time ago... I don't know when exactly. And I don't know how much time passed before this guy realized that he wanted to make this browser better. At one time I started my work from extensions, but this guy chose the path of skins developer.

As time went on he made his first skin. Nice, but... Something was wrong. It looked nice, but not all users like things in interface, what he used. Maxthon Skins don't support any settings. What he should do in this situation?

He made the next skin, very similar to the first, but with minor changes. But these skins still have specific features. And he made several variants of the first skin, they were similar, but different. These skins could be popular in Skin Center, but Maxthon don't have Skin Center for MX4, only for MX3.

As time went on and our character made his second, third skins. And he made several versions of the new skins of course. But Maxthon was not create Skin Center for MX4 still! But Maxthon have official forum with special Skins section.

He published his skins in a special section of the official forum. He had a lot of skins, and he spent a few days to publish it. Did you visit MX forum? Did you visit old MX forum? It's not so simple to use for the first time. 

Our skin developer should publish one post and attach all his skins there. But he was mistaken: he published every skin in a separate post. And he is blocked now. The official wording: Spam.

Maxthon Team, what are you thinking about?
Your moderators blocked the person, who try to make you browser better. This man do much more for your browser than most of your moderators. and he was not the only who created a separate post for each of his skin/expansion. Many developers do this. Becouse we don't get any notification about new reviews in Extensions Center. This guy did not do anything bad. But you blocked him. Will he make anything for your browser in the future? Will he use your browser? Will he recommend your browser to his friends? What do you think about this?

I think your forum moderator and many of your regional ambassadors are totally incompetent. They do what they want. And they don't care about the rules. Your rules! Because they can!

I know this story becouse I made many extensions for MX in that time. And becouse many skins/extensions developers communicate with each other. I noticed that the workaholic is missing. Many forum users noticed it. And I know this story, becouse your moderator who did it write to other skin developer: "If you will do what you did, you will be blocked too". And he never published anything more...

It's all.
Keep killing your own browser. Or consider: Why Vivaldi is so popular already? Maybe it's because of the respect?

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