All Maxthon problems because of... Outdating

All Maxthon problems because of outdating. I talk about browser engine and build-in plugins. A few weeks ago when we learned about several 0day security vulnerabilities of Flash, when Mozillza blocked Flash in Firefox and Facebook and another company ask Adobe to kill Flash as part of intenet, what did Maxthon do? Nothing. It was Flash 18 and it was July!

Maxthon was released September 10. Finally Maxthon updated Flash 16! And replaced it to Flash 18. Good. Very good! It was not that "bad" Flash. It was "good" new Flash with fixes. Maxthon was not concerned because of the vulnerabilities in Flash 18. Maxthon did not try to release hot update like everyone. Maxthon was not fussed. Fuss is not about Maxthon! Maxthon waited... waited... And when nobody told about Flash, Maxthon update build-in plugin in browser and add Flash 18. Excellent!

... but Abode relesed Flash 19 in the same September!
Rumor has it, Maxthon has to be an outdated Flash (2-3 version), because if MX will have Flash-to-date, it will damage the space-time continuum and our world will be absorbed by the black hole! Do you want this?!

Browser engine is more difficult question. So difficult that no one cares about it! Do you know what engine is used in Maxthon? Of course you know. WebKit and Trident. But what about versions? And what version is last today? Maxthon never write about WebKit in changelog. Why? Maybe becase MX never updated engine... maybe not. I don't know.

Many MX users ask for Chrome's extensions. But Maxthon is not Chromium, Maxthon just uses WebKit, like Chrome and Safari. Can you use Chrome extensions for Safari? No. So you cannot use it in Maxthon. And this is problem for many new MX users.

But look on this from other side: if you make Chromium-based browser you must update it every time when Google updates Chromium. Everytime! How many Crhomium-based browsers do it? Are you sure that Maxthon will do it if MX became Chromium? I don't think so. Look on Flash. If MX will use Chromium, it will be Chromium 19! And MX Team will explain it: "This is the coolest version of Chromuim! More speed, less RAM... Vulnerability and laziness? Shut up! Next question"

It's all.
Maxthon never updated anything in time.
Do you still have questions about bugs, lags and freezes?

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