Problems with AdBlockPlus in Maxthon 4.9

Long time no see, guys!
I did not write in English so long time, because... I'm too lazy... and I was ill... a month ago. The rest of this time I was just too lazy to write in foreign language. Sorry. I'll try to change this and write about a few strange Maxthon's features (or bugs) and compare sidebar in Maxthon and Opera. And I'll write "How to make Maxthon extension. Part 3" of course. I hope this is not just promise and I'll do this.

Today we talk about work of AdBlockPlus in last stable version of Maxthon 4.9 - MX I think you know: I don't use Maxthos as default browser. I start browser three cases:
  • this is new version and I just look this update
  • someone ask something about browser and I don't know/remember answer
  • I make/update extension and need to test it
It's all. You know what I think about MX it eats too much RAM. So I'm trying other browsers: Chrome, Opera, Yandex.Browser, Firefox.

Today someone ask about ads on, I remember that I have very simple filter: only one line. So... I open Maxthon → → AdBlockPlus. And what did I see? Nothing.

So my first question: Where are my rules?
I opened AdBlock options: there is only EasyList. When MX with ABP was released, rules for my country were downloaded automatically.

So my second question: Where is my RuAdList?
OK. I can do this. Just click Ad fillter subscribtion, choose RuAdList+EasyList and... Error. Someone wrote about this on forum... What should I do? I have no idea. Just close browser and go in VK to ask somebody about this. When I opened browser again, I saw ads everywhere. But when I check ABP settings again, I saw that RuAdList+EasyList is downloaded.

So my third question: Why national lists don't work?
And the last: I found that filter for and I added it in MX. And... I does not work too.
We can talk about this, but I don't know why it happened and I have no idea.

So we have several problems with AbBlockPlus in new Maxthon 4.9:

  • Long sync in menu. Maybe because of this ABP rules can not be downloaded. But I don't think so, because sync works fine in sidebar.

This is "national" issue, so I use national language. Sorry, but you know browser and know what it means.
  • ABP Lists are downloaded, but don't work or just can not be downloaded ("error" or "downloading" all time)

Look on left part of screenshots: this is ads on most popular Russian website. Look in the middle: this is downloaded RuAdList. And this list does not work.
  • If you add your own rules for website, it does not work too.

This filter have to remove this ads, but does not work too...

UPD: Now AdBlockPlus works and works as I want. ABP blockes ads on Russian websites via subscribtion list and block abs via my own rules. I don't know how I fixed this: I just restart browser several times. But some users wrote about "errors" with RuAdList downloading, so I keep this note. Close and open, close and open again...
That's all...

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