The first screenshot of Maxthon 4.9

Breaking news!
One of the MX forum users asked:
- Will Symbaloo and Symbaloo Light work in MX 4.9?

These are my extensions (beta for Symbaloo) and I answered:
- I don't know. Nobody saw MX 4.9 and nobody know what is MX 4.9

All what we saw is this picture:

But we know people who know about MX 4.9 a little more than we know. I talk about MX Team. And one of them answer on our question:
Of course it's working just fine!
And it's cool! Very cool! Because now we have screenshot!

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome... Maxthon 4.9!

Sensation has not occurred. But for me this is very good news!
MX 4.9 will be the basis for MX5. But look on this: MX 4.9 looks like MX 4.4. If you show me only screenshot and ask: "What is this?", - I'll answer: "This is Maxthon. MX 4.4". And why do I think that this is good? Because all this year Maxthon does more for new users and forget about the old ones. We asked about regional subscription for AdHunter, new user asked about AdBlockPlus like in another browsers. And what did Maxthon do? They killed own AdHunter and changed it to ABP. Now all new users are asking only about extensions... Chrome extensions... And I was really afraid that Maxthon will become Chromium-based browser! And now I really happy: MX5 will be true Maxthon!

And the second good news:
If MX5 looks like MX4, but Maxthon Team calls it MX5, this is really something different and really something new. Conclusion: MX really made new browser from scratch. I don't know what word I should use in English, but in Russian we say "с нуля". It means there are not old bugs from MX4. I hope...

Waiting for latest news.

За сим всё...
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